Rooted in ancient spiritual practice, Thai massage uses a combination assisted yoga stretches and massage techniques to promote a total togetherness of body and mind. Combined with our luxurious hot towel treatment, this technique will gently coax you into a deep state of clarity and relaxation.

Benefits of Thai Massage

By combining passive, assisted stretching techniques together with massage, Thai massage increases individual flexibility gently, yet effectively.

The deep breathing encouraged throughout a Thai massage session promotes a state of homeostasis and calm.

Thai massage isn’t “only for yogis”. It is a personal, individualized technique that can help you become more aware and accepting of your body’s limitations and strengths.

Stretching all muscle groups facilitates more complete muscle relaxation at the end of a session.

During a thai massage session, clients are encouraged to focus on breath work and bringing themselves back into their bodies. Similar to meditation, this technique helps clients feel more present, aware, and connected to their body.

Taking time out to work with your body and breath reduces stress, resulting in a state of calm and clarity.


The two most distinct differences between Thai massage and a Swedish or Therapeutic massage are:

Format – During a Thai massage, the client remains fully clothed and lays on a mat, as opposed to undressed and draped on a massage table.

Technique – Thai massage incorporates passive, assisted stretching with massage techniques applied while the muscle is in stretch.

Watch a sample Thai massage session at The Zen Spot

After learning about your personal needs and goals for the session, your therapist will bring you into a private treatment room where you will remove your shoes and relax on a mat on the floor. With washed hands and feet, your therapist will move you through a series of passive, assisted stretches, applying massage over the clothes to aid and deepen the stretch. Hot towels will be placed on the body throughout to aid relaxation.

You will be encouraged to breathe with each stretch and to communicate with your therapist about what you are feeling. While Thai massage can often be deep work, you shouldn’t experience pain – if you do, please tell your therapist immediately so the technique can be adjusted.

If your previous experience with massage has been limited to Swedish or Therapeutic massage techniques, you’re in for a surprise and a treat! Come with an open mind ready to experience something new.

Since we will be moving and stretching, wear clothing you feel comfortable in that will not slip or fall during a stretch. Close-fitting but flexible clothing such as running tights or yoga apparel works well.  Light layers are recommended, since body temperature tends to shift as you relax.

It’s also recommended that you don’t eat a full meal for at least 1 hour prior to your session. (Light snacks and fluids are ok).

Everyone! We’ve worked on clients from age 5 to 85. That said, here are some groups that particularly benefit from the unique approach of Thai massage:

Athletes: Thai massage is a great option for anyone looking to increase physical performance over time. Amateur and professional athletes — for example, runners, dancers, cyclists, golfers, basketball players — can benefit from adding Thai massage to their training and recovery regimen. 

Yogis: Our approach to Thai massage incorporates a strong partner yoga element. As such, Thai massage is a great way to explore your limits, overcome blocks, and deepen your practice.

Anyone looking to increase flexibility, deepen body awareness, and/or broaden their scope.

In short, no. Like all of our services, each Thai massage session is tailored to the individual needs of the client. The techniques and stretches we use can easily be adjusted to accommodate any level of flexibility.

Yes! In fact, Thai massage can feel especially good during the strains of pregnancy. Be sure to let us know on your intake so that we can cater your session towards your needs.





(801) 368-8849*

*we generally respond to texts the fastest, and try to respond to all messages within one business day. 

spa bookings: please click the ONLINE CONSULT button above for a more detailed request form. all other requests, please fill out the form below.



to view a map to each area, use the drop downs below.


Our spa entry (suite 145) is located inside historic Provo Town Square, directly behind Momo’s Cheesecakes. You’ll know you’re there when you see the rainbows and the plants!


Our studio entry (suite 150) is located on the west side of Provo Town Square, just east of the 100 W parking garage and courtyard. Enter via the white double doors.


Free public parking is available in the parking garage on 100 W, halfway between Center Street and 100 N.

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"Gorgeous, brand new health studio in a funky strip in downtown Provo."
Susannah O.
"Had an awesome experience at the Zen Spot! It was a really comfortable environment to be in."
Rachel O.
"Just went here and it was amazing!"
Kevin M.
"It's a super chill environment and very relaxing."
Stefani K.
"The best massage of my life. Life changing, truly."
Maddie B.
"Amazing! Hands down. It was so relaxing!"
Trello P.
"My first ever cupping treatment, and it was amazing!!!! Overall, highly recommend."
Yuki G.
"Absolutely no pain. It's amazing!"
Shawna E.
"The BEST Thai massage I've ever received!
Very clean and comfortable location, very knowledgeable therapist. Will be back!"
"The atmosphere was so calming as the walls and high ceilings are white, she had soothing sounds playing in the background, and it was a small intimate space."
Magen G.
"It was awesome!"
McKenna H.
"So talented and knowledgeable! Plus you get all the hot towels you could ever want, which feels amazing!"
Erin M.
"Absolutely amazing. My body hasn't felt that good in a long time."​
Casey G.
The Zen Spot
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